Welcome to the website "(Re)boarding the Märklin model railway". This book in DIN A4 format offers comprehensive assistance for the re-commissioning of a former Märklin layout, for a new entry and for the digital expansion of an analogue layout.
Find out how to reactivate earlier locomotives, wagons, signals, switches and other components, how to use them further and how to combine them with the digital control. Get a basic orientation about the analog control possibilities as well as about the advantages of the digital control of the Märklin model railway. Get tips for setting up your own layout, from concept to landscaping.
On a total of 164 pages, this bookazine will help you with understandable and detailed information on getting started, re-entering and changing to the modern Märklin model railway. "(Re)boarding the Märklin model railway" (164 pages, art. 03070) is available at your Märklin dealer or at maerklinshop.de.
In the download area you will find additional contributions to the system designs presented in the book and to the system architecture of Märklin Digital.