Welcome to the archive. Our older models have earned more than just a nice place in our memory. Märklin Systems and Delta have proven their staying power here. Modern components of the Märklin Digital world are compatible with the older models. This makes this archive with its systems informative and timeless..
The biggest problem on that first model railroad layout is the second train. Should you divide a power circuit into two circuits and add a second train control transformer? Should you change to Märklin Digital? Märklin helped in this decision with an especially affordable solution, Delta control.
With Märklin Delta, the affordable way to get started in the world of digital model train control, you had access to up to 5 locomotives and/or powered rail cars independently of each other. The technology here was the same as with Märklin Digital. Changing to the latter was no problem at any time, and devices and locomotives could continue to be used of course.
The Märklin Delta product range was adapted functionally and expanded over time. Delta controllers were included from the factory in digital starter sets and all of the locomotives and powered rail cars were generally delivered with decoders. This meant that beginners in Märklin model railroading no longer had to ask the question whether they wanted to run trains analog or digital – at Märklin the future had become the standard.
At the start of the new millennium, technical possibilities had progressed to the point that a replacement became necessary. Märklin Systems covered the current technical requirements with new possibilities among which was a small device for getting started digitally: the Mobile Station.